In Business Central we can create and copy a company very easily according to our requirements. We can also delete a company but it should be a prudent decision as all data will be lost when we delete a company. Search “Companies” from the role center page and then open the related link.


Create Company

To create a new company go to New >> Create New Company

Create Company

The window appears, click on “Next”

Next, specify the company name, select the data, and set it up according to your requirement to get started.

Proceed further and in the end, there is a window with the option “Finish” to complete the process. You can go back as well if needed.

After creating a company fill in the Company Information, set up the no. series, customers, vendors, posting groups, COA, etc to work in it. the newly created company will appear on the list.


To access the newly created company go to Settings >> My settings

In a Company click on three dots, and the list will appear to select the company you want to open, and then click ok.

Copy Company

To copy company go to Companies >> Process >> Copy. This action copies the selected company to a new company.

Copy Company

When you click on a copy a window appears, fill in the name, and click ok to proceed further.

Delete Company

To delete a company select the company in a list and click delete.

Delete Company

When you click delete, the dialog box will appear to confirm the deletion of the company.

This blog covers company creation, copy, and deletion. accsoft has years of experience in implementing Microsoft Dynamics ERPs and also providing support to clients. For further assistance and to make us your implementation partner reach us at info@localhost

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