Business Central offers us to work in a different roles as per our job. The relevant menu will appear on the role center page. The benefit of working in the respective role is easy navigation of stuff that is a requirement of that particular job. You don’t have to search for the relevant things each time rather access them from the landing page of Business Central. We can not only change the role in Business Central but also we can define new roles by following easy steps. Search “Profiles” from the role center page and open the related link.

Go to the “New” to define a new role. Click on the three dots to view and select the role you want to define.

The window appears with the list of Available Role centers. Select the appropriate one as per your need.

Fill in the display name, ID and description accordingly. Enable the role so it will appear in the selection list.

This role is added in the list of available roles

Now you can select this role from Settings.

This blog discusses how to add new role in Business Central if they are not already in the selection list. accsoft has years of experience in implementing Microsoft ERPs. For further assistance and to make us your implementation partner reach us at info@localhost

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