Business Central provides the flexibility to create different price and discount groups for customers. This helps to deal with the situation where businesses sell in lesser and in bulk quantities. First, define groups according to the business process and then assign those groups to customers, also define item prices against those groups. This practice helps smooth the process as sales orders will generate accordingly and there will be no need to define prices each time in individual orders for every customer.

Customer Price Groups:

From the search option on a Role Center page search “Customer price groups” and open the related link.

Price & Discount Groups for Customers

The list of all customer price groups appears if the groups exist in the system. Define the new group with an available option. Define as many groups as per your business requirement.

Price & Discount Groups for Customers

The next step is to define the price of an item against the group. Select the group then Go to More Options >> Related >> Cust. Price Group >> Sales Prices

Fill in the appropriate data in respective fields, define the prices against as many items as required in a new line. Not only prices can be defined against different items but also you can define the different prices for each variant as shown in the below example.

Now, these groups are ready to assign to different customers through customer cards in Business Central.

Customer Discount Groups:

Similarly, for defining a discount group search “Customer Disc. Groups” and open the related link

Price & Discount Groups for Customers

The list of all customer discount groups appears if the groups exist in the system. Define the new group with an available option. Define as many groups as per your business requirement.

Price & Discount Groups for Customers

The next step is to define the discount for items against the group. Select the group then Go to More Options >> Related >> Cust. Disc. Groups >> Sales Line Discounts

Fill in the appropriate data in respective fields, define the discounts against as many items as required in a new line.

Now, these groups are ready to assign to different customers through customer cards in Business Central.

accsoft has years of experience in implementing Microsoft ERPs. For further assistance and to make us your implementation partner reach us at info@localhost

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