Every item has particular parameters that help to define it and most of the time customers make their buying decisions based on the different attribute sets of an item. The most common attribute associated with almost every item is its color. Similarly, there is a size, material, model year, and so on. Every business has a list of attributes according to its products. In business central, create a list of Item attributes with their respective values and then use them during item creation.

Search Item attributes from the role center page and opens the related link.

The list will appear, showing all the available attributes in the system. The list will appear empty if attributes do not exist in the system.

To create a new attribute, click on the “New” Option. Item attribute card will open. Fill in the required details. Item attribute values option will enable only if the type of attribute is an option. If you don’t want to use any attribute in further products then block it by enabling the “Blocked” option.

To define values, go to Item Attribute Values and add the values as per the requirement

Once these values are added they will be available in the dropdown menu against that attribute and can be selected accordingly in an item card.

accsoft has years of experience in implementing Microsoft ERPs. For further assistance and to make us your implementation partner reach us at info@localhost

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