Business Central uses a transfer order to move inventory from one warehouse to another by keeping a record of it. After posting, the system generates a receipt and moves it to Posted Transfer Receipts. There are two ways of inventory transfer in Business Central:

  1. In-Transit
  2. Direct

Note: The product name is fictitious and used for demonstration purposes only.

Using In-Transit

  1. Consider Item No. 20600, it is available in the East location, and we want to move some inventory to Main Location.
  2. Search “Transfer Orders” from the role center/main page. Create a New Transfer order and fill in the appropriate details. Don’t enable direct transfer as we are using In-Transit Code.
    Transfer Order in Business CentralTransfer Order in Business Central
    The details below are filled in automatically as provided in the location card.
    Transfer Order in Business Central
  3. Now post this transfer order.Posting >> Post >> Ship
  4. This transfer order is still available in the system with the released status
  5. We can check In Transit items through the item card
    Related>> Availability >> Items by Location

Also, item quantity was reduced from East Location but did not appear on the Main

6. Once an Item receives at another location, go to the released transfer order again

Posting >> Post >> Receive

7. Inventory transfer is also reflected in locations as well

Using Direct Transfer

  1. Created a New Transfer Order for the same item, this time with “Direct Transfer” enabled.
    Transfer Order in Business Central
  2. In this case, when we post a transfer order, the ship and receive option doesn’t appear. As soon as you click on Post, the system instantly posted and deleted this transfer order, and inventory is adjusted accordingly.
  3. Check the item availability by Location and the inventory moves to a new location.

    This blog covers the transfer order in Business Central. accsoft has years of experience in implementing Microsoft Dynamics ERPs. For further assistance and to make us your implementation partner reach us at info@localhost

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